How To Enter Contest

Our fathers are heros who are always there to care and provide.
Share a special moment you had with your dad this year,
or a special memory that helps you remember your dad.

Prize To Win

šŸ’„4 lucky winners will be randomly picked on May 28th
Each winner will receive a CIVIVI Special Gift Pack (valued at $87.9)

Contest Rules

ā˜‘ļø You must be at least 18 years of age to enter.

ā˜‘ļø Contest is closed to states or countries where the knife is prohibited.

ā˜‘ļø Winners will have 48hrs to respond, qualify for, and claim the prize via email.

ā˜‘ļø If the prize is not claimed within 48 hrs an alternate winner will be selected.


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Tita Garrison

Tita Garrison

Iā€™m happy sharing this experiences to testify about a great and powerful spell caster, my husband left me and the kids for 2 weeks when I called him he didnā€™t pick up when he came back home the 3rd week he told me he wanted a divorce I was so sad I cried all night he left again I was so lonely the next day I was searching for something online when I found a spell caster called DR PETER who have helped so many people with their problems so I contacted him with my problems he told me it will take 24 hours and my husband will be back to me I did everything he told me to do and the next day my husband came back kneeling and begging he canceled the divorce we are now happy together DR PETER can help you too Email him at drpeterspellcaster21@gmail.com
Read on his website
WhatsApp +1 (646) 494-4360



When my twin brother and I would go hunting with him, whether we ever shot anything it made no difference we loved it every single time.

Michael Boyd

Michael Boyd

I remember when my dad first held my twins, big tough boat captain with tears in his eyes especially since It was very hard to have children, now I have 3 grandchildren and know how he feels, wish he was still here to hold them.

Noah levy

Noah levy

My dad passed a couple years back while going through his stuff I came across the Swiss Army knife my dad has carried since I was a little boy. I took this knife with me. My son is now 3 and is involved heavily in my edc world he helps set up my pictures and does quality control he is always there whatching when maintaining my knives and so on. I put a special inscription on my dads knife and it will be passed on to my son as his first knife when he turns 7. Itā€™s fun that this knife will be in the hands of 3 generations of my family

Tneesa Blondahl

Tneesa Blondahl

My husband is a new father and I canā€™t express how excited I would be if he had a chance to bring home this win! He loves knives and I love to see him happy !!
Happy Fatherā€™s Day Code

Justin Knapp

Justin Knapp

As a child going on family camping/backpacking trips, I was always in awe of my dads knives/multi tools and is probably a big inspiration for being into cool knives today.

RayRay Brooks

RayRay Brooks

Not long before my dad passed, we had several special moments. I think of him often when I see or use one of his knives

Jerry Webster

Jerry Webster

There is nothing like a quality knife.

Jerry Webster

Jerry Webster

My dad showed me how to whittle and make wood carvings.

David Sherman

David Sherman

My dad bought me my first knife when I was 8. It was a Swiss Army knife. A year later I got a buck knife

JV Altamirano

JV Altamirano

My dad was the one who introduced me to EDC. He would always carry a leatherman as he is a mechanical engineer. He gave me a victorinox chunky set when I turned 16, and ever since then, I have been fascinated with knives.

Thomas Dennis

Thomas Dennis

My stepdad was my male role model growing up. He loved the outdoors and cars which were two things he handed down to me. My stepdad treated my mother with respect and helped her through many tough times. He was the kind of man who had a good heart and was always there to support me when I needed someone. Even more importantly in hind sight I saw that he was also there to support me when I needed it but didnā€™t know I needed it. Early last year he lost a long battle with cancer but before he passed I was thankfully able to tell him how thankful I was for all he did for me and our family. I am very glad I got the chance to tell him just how much I appreciated his support and how much of an impact he had on my life. Fun side note: while going through some of his belongings after his passing I came across some old knives of his that I have added to my collection.

John Mark T. Saez

John Mark T. Saez

My father taught me how to fish when I was 10. Really enjoy that even though o didnā€™t catch any. On our way home he said, ā€œDonā€™t worry son, we will come back tomorrow so you can try again and catch somethingā€. As he said, we came back, but my inner jinx won over again. Haha

We still go fishing when we have time. Because we really love to bond and jive doing what we love.

More power to you guys! Godbless us all šŸ™‚

Ej Bognear

Ej Bognear

Well i really dont see my dad much since i moved from Michigan to Sc but he came down a few weeks ago and helped me build my Workout shed . Its the best thing we ever did together. Yeah the memory will last forever

Oliver M

Oliver M

My father gave me my first knife, I donĀ“t even know when it was but guessing maybe when I was about 8 years old. It was Opinel knife with engraved nameā€¦ that was DIY engraving :D but really awesome and i have it even this days and still in a good conditions :)

Robert McCraw

Robert McCraw

Whoop whoop letā€™s go

Christian Barnes

Christian Barnes

I donā€™t get to see my Dad very often, unfortunately, but I do love him and miss him. When I was a kid he taught me many things that I now find myself telling my children. He wasnā€™t always around as I got older, but he instilled some very important values and lessons into my brother and me, that Iā€™ve always remembered and tried to apply to my life. Some of the most important things being, ā€œYou canā€™t control what happens, only how you react to them. Donā€™t let other people control your emotions,ā€ ā€œAlways treat your brother with respect and protect him, because youā€™ll always have each other, especially when Mom and Dad are gone,ā€ and ā€œAlways be kind, respectful, and honest to others if you expect them to be honest and respectful to yourself. To show others how you expect to be treated by how you treat others. That doesnā€™t mean allow others to mistreat you though.ā€ Itā€™s funny how often I find myself telling my children exactly what my Father told me, and I smile every time I catch myself and it reminds me of him. Some of my favorite memories with him are of him, me and my brother at the shooting range and him teaching us how to shoot, be safe and to take care of your firearm. That was our place to bond and get away. This Fatherā€™s day Iā€™ll definitely be remembering many of the things heā€™s taught me and what I can do to teach my kids the same important values and lessons that he taught me.

Jeric Vasquez

Jeric Vasquez

My favorite memory to my father when i graduated in my basic military school that was the first time that my father hug me and he said to me ā€œ im so proud of you sonā€

Chris Ruth

Chris Ruth

My favorite memory from when I was a child was when My dad would volunteer on campouts with My boy scout troop. He helped Me carve a neckerchief after I ruined The first.
I miss my DAD

Brian Bernardi

Brian Bernardi

When I turned 13 my dad gave me the knife his dad gave him when he turned 13!

Robert Fields

Robert Fields

My dad would take me trout fishing and on opening day it always snowed and evidently both of us would fall in the frozen water . It was the best times of our lives .



I always enjoy working on projects together then going fishing. My Dadā€™s a wealth of knowledge who Iā€™ve learnt so much through.



My dad gave me my first pocket knife and I still have it to this day. I cherish it and canā€™t wait to pass it down to my son.

Marcus venneman

Marcus venneman

Something here

Pierre Smith

Pierre Smith

Canā€™t wait for my first elementum!

Adam C

Adam C

when we celebrated him being 1 year sober this past month

Don dinh

Don dinh

My father taught me how to use a whetstone to sharpen my knives!

Dan H

Dan H

My brother and I started a yearly camping tradition of spending a weekend taking Dad camping at the campgrounds he went to as a kid. A real chance to get away.

Asher Young

Asher Young

My daddy is a man who could fix or build absolutely anything. He always liked giving gifts more than getting them. This week being my birthday reminds me of when I was little how early in the morning when he would head to work he would come in my room and lay on top of me so I couldnā€™t breath and sing me happy birthday.

Rod M

Rod M

My dad always told me to wear a watch, belt and carry hank, flashlight and a knife. He passed away 3 years ago. I miss him. And i always never leave the house with items wear and carry. I miss you dad.

Joe Baker

Joe Baker

I remember my Dad loved all knives and could sharpen a knife shaving sharp. He never asked for anything but appreciated even the smallest gesture or gift

Jason Cobb

Jason Cobb

My dad and I love to go fishing together when we have a chance. I alway love the time spent from the fishing to cleaning the fish with a good fillet knife.

Jeff Klaus

Jeff Klaus

My dad taught me to always carry a knife. A knife is a tool that is useful, every day.



Some of my favorite memories with my Dad are from concerts. He took me to my first one for my 11th birthday, and we continue to enjoy going to see live music today, almost 30 years later.



Growing up everything my father had taught me always had a lesson. From the time as a child and even now the lessons have never stopped coming nor do I go tired of learning from my father.



Growing up everything my father had taught me always had a lesson. From the time as a child and even now the lessons have never stopped coming nor do I go tired of learning from my father.



My father who was a fireman, would sometimes take me with him for overnight shifts. I would sleep at the firehouse, ride the trucks, blast the horn and sirens when we would go on calls, etc. It was any 7 or 8 year oldā€™s (or however old i was at the time) dream come true.

Elie Bassil

Elie Bassil

Ive been working from home for almost last 3years due to the pandemic, and my dad would walk our family dog everyday he could and bring me lunch or just his company knowing that it wasnā€™t guaranteed that i could leave my desk due to meetings to see him.

Josiah Alvis

Josiah Alvis

Even with my grandmother (his mom) past away this year, to see my dad still be that central pillar for our family. He has always been the been an excellent role model for my and my brothers. I hope I can half the man he is when Iā€™m a father.



My dad taking me to sleep outside close to the forest for the very first time. Special memory that lasted a life time and is now motivating me to make new memories with my son.



I just remember always learning something new from him and him always encouraging me/sister to always try new things and learning from that.

Jonathan Tapia

Jonathan Tapia

Most of us come to a point when we are tempted with going down the wrong path and as a adolescent I can say I was making some significant mistakes. It was my Dad that took me aside and talked to me about the life he wanted for me and that although being young (and definitely naĆÆve to the life choices I was making) the decisions I made would impact my future. It took a few times for those words to sink in but I grew up and knew I could be better. My Dad always had my back and showed me how to be a better man.

Scott Macey

Scott Macey

I remember when I was learning to drive, dad and I used to drive out to this small roadhouse diner about 90min away from our house, and get a milkshake a few times a week to get my hours up. But the best thing was the chats we had while just driving there and back. Iā€™d give anything to have just one more drive like that with my father.



Itā€™s great

Jacob Thomas

Jacob Thomas

Going to breakfast at a small, local diner on Saturday morning where I would get the ā€œTruckerā€ breakfast because Dad said I could get whatever I wanted. Really special time for a ten year old when your parents are separated leading up to divorce after 25 years of marriage.

Scott Price

Scott Price

I have many special memories with my dad and grandfather hunting, fishing, baseball, etc. this year I have been able to spend time with my dad doing those things again with my five year old son. Teaching him to play baseball, hunt, fish, use a knife to prepare the harvest. It wouldnā€™t trade these days and memories bing made for anything in the world.



I remember when my dad gave me my first pocket knife. He showed me how to use it safely, and how to take care of it. I still have the knife stored away, and even carry it every once in a while.

Kyle D

Kyle D

Wonderful growing up with my father who is always loving and supportive. And amazing to watch him with his grandson. Cheers to you pops

John L

John L

My dad took me camping a few times a year. We fished, cooked dinner over the fire, slept in tents, and stared at the stars. Now I get to do the same with my son.

Mark J

Mark J

All the moments we share with my son, his only grandson. These are extremely precious to us all.